Businesses and individuals who have very busy days and have a lot of interactions to do. These types of businesses and individuals require such services that help them by doing their work and managing their routines.
The doorman and concierge services are the best examples for them. Concierge service providers do much work for their owners and the residents of the hotel. They carry their groceries and luggage, secure reservations for dining, and the gym, buy movie tickets, and arrange appointments with doctors.
Doorman services are included in someone’s service. A doorman is trained enough to protect his owner, he does many works by his side. He meets people, he ensures the receiving and delivering of products of the owner without showing his identity. Doorman services are used for luxury and busy lifestyles. These services may be cost-effective.
AAM Secure Provides Doorman & Concierge Service NYC
Businesses and services that involve daily interaction with individuals or groups, such as corporate offices, schools, warehouses, worship places, commercial spaces, residential spaces, and hotels, consistently require sturdy doorman and concierge services in New York City.
AAM Security provides concierges, front desk, and doorman professionals who are knowledgeable and highly motivated.
Life, Way, and Concierge are Safe With Our Services
You must feel safe and secure by getting our AAM services of concierge and doorman.
Benefits of Hiring Doorman & Concierge Service NYC
Living in New York City is fantastic and joyful but also alarming because of the increasing crime rates in NYC so people are hiring doorman and concierge services. Doorman buildings are considered as safer than those without a doorman.
Protecting Residential Buildings and Commercial Premises
In the modern social era, protecting commercial and residential building security remains a major concern for owners and managers. It’s mandatory to ensure the security of tenants and business owners. We can use different security measures for commercial and residential buildings to intensify protection and provide peace of mind for those inside.
The concierge and doorman manage the receiving of delivery from the delivery boy and keep their tenant identity discreet or private. They keep the names and arrival times of their guests secret. In buildings where high-profile people stay the doorman and concierge add an extra layer of security and restrict the entry of unauthorized persons or fans. They keep an eye on security in common areas for the sake of no inconvenience in the system.
Concierge Doorman Services for Everyday New York
Commercial Doorman Services
Commercial doorman services in NYC involve staffing doormen to increase security, manage access, and provide customer service in public and commercial area buildings. Their duties include monitoring entrances, handling packing, assisting guests and residents, imposing building policies responding to emergencies, and handing out a safe and welcoming environment.
Residential Doorman Services
Residential doorman services in NYC provide access control and security, manage package delivery, and assist with guest and concierge service. They facilitate communication between residents and maintenance staff and respond to emergencies, increasing the overall living experience. This type of service adds inconvenience and luxury to the apartment living.
Our Services
Security Company in Manhattan Services
AAM Secure is well known for offering state of art services in NYC. Their offering includes surveillance of advanced security such as alarms, high-resolution cameras, and monitoring systems. Trained security professional personnel for residential and commercial properties and combined various security systems such as access control systems, cybersecurity, and alarms to offer comprehensive security. At the instant response find the glitch in the system.
Unarmed/Armed Security Services
The safety and security of your personnel and property directly impact your daily operations.
Fire Safety Directors
AAM Security Service provides trained and skilled Fire Safety Directors (FSDs) for specific facilities.
Emergency Action Plan Directors
AAM Security Service provides trained, professional Emergency Action Plan (EAP) Directors for specific sites.
Access Control
Access control systems serve to limit access to specific areas within a facility, with entry permissions defined by the individual, day of the week, and time of day.
Fire And Life
Fire And Life Safety Systems
AAM Security Services fire and life safety systems ensure employee safety and the overall welfare of a business.
Intrusion Alarms And Detection
AAM Security Services is poised to develop a tailored, state-of-the-art intrusion detection system tailored to your specific requirements.
Video Surveillance Systems
State-of-the-art Video Surveillance systems to monitor all ins and outs of your Commercial Premises and Residential Buildings.